2018年11月にオープンした「THE GINZA COSMETICS GINZA」のウィンドウディスプレイのデザイン。1年間に渡り、それぞれ特定の商品にフォーカスした4つのウィンドウディスプレイ…
2018年11月にオープンした「THE GINZA COSMETICS GINZA」のウィンドウディスプレイのデザイン。1年間に渡り、それぞれ特定の商品にフォーカスした4つのウィンドウディスプレイのデザインを担当した。
新商品「ザ・ギンザ ソープ」のディスプレイ。
紫外線から肌を守る「ザ・ギンザ ハイブリッドテープロテクター」、肌をスッキリと整える「ザ・ギンザ リフトコンディショナー」のディスプレイ。
健康的な素肌へと導く「ザ・ギンザ ハイブリッドジェルオイル」のディスプレイ。
集中美容トリートメント「ザ・ギンザ エッセンスエンパワリング」のディスプレイ。
THE GINZA SPACEで同時期に開催された展覧会CORD/CODEと連動したデザインとした。商品本体と同サイズに切り出されたアクリル支柱の上下に穴を開け、水平に張られたステンレスワイヤーに通すことで固定をしている。穴の位置を3パターン設けることでアクリルに異なる傾きを与え、見る角度で表情が大きく変化するディスプレイとした。
Completion 2019
The design for “THE GINZA COSMETICS GINZA” opened in November 2018. The project ran through the course of a year, designing four window displays, each focusing on a specific product. <February> Display for the new product, “THE GINZA SOAP.” Utilizing rearrangeable parts of the disp…
The design for “THE GINZA COSMETICS GINZA” opened in November 2018. The project ran through the course of a year, designing four window displays, each focusing on a specific product.
Display for the new product, “THE GINZA SOAP.”
Utilizing rearrangeable parts of the display upon the Grand Open, soaps were placed on the added acrylic trays. The soaps were displayed at various heights and angles as if they were drifting in the water.
Display for “THE GINZA HYBRID DAY PROTECTOR” skin protection from UV radiation
Screens, made by stainless steel pipes of 12mm in diameter, were arranged radially to suggest the sunlight, for the characteristics of the product to be easily recognized.
Display for “THE GINZA HYBRID GEL OIL” for healthier skin
The acrylic squares and equilateral triangles were painted in a gradation of pink to match the product, expressing the serum being absorbed into the skin.
Display for “THE GINZA ESSENCE EMPOWERING” intensive beauty treatment
The design correlated to the exhibition, “CORD/CODE,” which was on at the time. The acrylic posts cut out in the same size as the actual product were fixed on horizontal stainless steel wires going through the holes drilled at top and bottom. Different angles of the acrylic posts were realized by creating three different patterns of where the holes are located, to create a different scene according to the viewing angle.
Completion 2019