世界的バレエダンサー熊川哲也氏率いるバレエスタジオの新ブランド「TEDDY’S BALLET」の空間デザイン。子どもから大人まで楽しく続けられるプログラムを提供するスタジオとして、だれもがワクワク…
世界的バレエダンサー熊川哲也氏率いるバレエスタジオの新ブランド「TEDDY’S BALLET」の空間デザイン。子どもから大人まで楽しく続けられるプログラムを提供するスタジオとして、だれもがワクワクし、心が躍りだす 「舞台」となる空間を目指した。
感性の豊かさや感受性を養い "感動を感情で表現できること” を大切にする TEDDY’S BALLET。「舞台」をイメージしてデザインした空間は、バレエを通じて表現の幅を広げ、新しい自分自身を発見することを目指したものとなっている。
Completion 2023.2
Kukan Desing Award 2022 LONG LIST
Spatial design for TEDDY’S BALLET, a new ballet studio brand led by world-famous ballet dancer Tetsuya Kumakawa. As a studio that offers fun programming for both children and adults, we aimed to create a space that becomes a "stage” that sparks excitement. The studio is located in a commercial…
Spatial design for TEDDY’S BALLET, a new ballet studio brand led by world-famous ballet dancer Tetsuya Kumakawa. As a studio that offers fun programming for both children and adults, we aimed to create a space that becomes a "stage” that sparks excitement.
The studio is located in a commercial area, on the first floor of a large condominium, and faces a wide sidewalk. It was designed to be open, so the interior can be seen from the outside. A glass folding door and curtains were installed at an angle to the existing automatic door to ensure privacy as needed. The lesson room, which serves as the "stage," has white walls to diffuse light and a smooth birch wood floor, while the entrance and corridor have the pale pink brand color on the walls, with walnut flooring. The openings between the lesson room and the corridor as well as the wall enclaves are arched, and mirrors give the space a sense of continuity and expansiveness. The linear lights on the ceiling are dimmable and can be changed to a variety of colors to create different atmospheres for different classes.
TEDDY'S BALLET values the cultivation of sensitivity and the ability to express rich emotions. This stage-like studio space aims to expand the range of personal expression and promote self-discovery through ballet.