Partition パーティション
w1126 d496 h2250
Console table コンソールテーブル
w1320 d397 h907
Low table ローテーブル
w810 d572 h304
“Kumiko” is a traditional Japanese woodworking technique that assembles geometric wooden patterns without nails. Mortises and tenons are cut into thinly split wood and slotted together to create intricate designs, which have long been cherished in decorative wooden joinery. This piece is named…
“Kumiko” is a traditional Japanese woodworking technique that assembles geometric wooden patterns without nails. Mortises and tenons are cut into thinly split wood and slotted together to create intricate designs, which have long been cherished in decorative wooden joinery.
This piece is named “Forêt” after the French word for forest – a 3D partition constructed using Kumiko woodworking techniques. Focusing on the structural stability of the equilateral triangle, the fundamental building block of Kumiko woodworking, the partition is self-supporting without using frames, utilizing only a small profile component.The sequential 3D arrangement of Japanese cypress, with its beautiful wood grain, conveys depth reminiscent of a “forest.”
w1126 d496 h2250
Console table
w1320 d397 h907
Low table
w810 d572 h304