ショップデザインを担当し、2018年にオープンした「THE GINZA COSMETICS GINZA」のギャラリーにて開催された展覧会「CORD/CODE」。 店舗の空間デザインを模型やグランド…
ショップデザインを担当し、2018年にオープンした「THE GINZA COSMETICS GINZA」のギャラリーにて開催された展覧会「CORD/CODE」。
店舗の空間デザインを模型やグランドオープン時のウィンドウディスプレイを通じてご紹介するとともに、「CORD/CODE」と題した新作インスタレーションとチェアをデザインした。タイトルの「CORD/CODE」は、 線(CORD)で規則(CORD)を生み出すことを意味し、ザ・ギンザのもつ「シンプルさ」と「安らぐ心地」を空間的に表現することを目指した。
Completion 2019.9
Sky Design Awards 2020 GOLD PRIZE / SPECIAL PRIZE
Kukan Desing Award 2020 BRONZE PRIZE
Exhibition “CORD/CODE” was held in a gallery of “THE GINZA COSMETICS GINZA” designed by ODS/Oniki Design Studio which opened in 2018. The exhibition introduces the spatial design of the store through scaled models along with a new installation “CORD/CODE” and a newly designed chair. The title…
Exhibition “CORD/CODE” was held in a gallery of “THE GINZA COSMETICS GINZA” designed by ODS/Oniki Design Studio which opened in 2018.
The exhibition introduces the spatial design of the store through scaled models along with a new installation “CORD/CODE” and a newly designed chair. The title “CORD/CODE” denotes the creation of a CODE using a CORD, and aims to portray the spatial simplicity and relaxation of THE GINZA.
Installation work applying a CODE to CORDs
Horizontal cords extended parallel to the floor formed layers creating vertical structure. A single layer consisted of eight cords stretched in a square grid, and was repeated to create 46 layers with a two-degree angle around the center axis of the room, elevating 45mm each time. The space appears to be created by a seemingly complex structure with multiple three-dimensional surfaces layered on top of another, but behind it is actually a simple CODE. Inside, the two aspects, “simple and linear,” and the “complex and organic” coexist.
Sky Design Awards 2020 GOLD PRIZE / SPECIAL PRIZE
Kukan Desing Award 2020 BRONZE PRIZE
Completion 2019.9